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feb 2025

Polyborrel Den Haag

SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION!!!! Deze maand vieren we 5 jaar International Polyborrel!!! Kom gezellig van gedachten wisselen met ervaren en minder ervaren mensen over polyamorie. Help ons vieren door iets zilvers of gouds te dragen.

Gegeven tijdens registratie

Voor wie?
Iedereen, die poly minded en/of geïnteresseerd is. De voertaal van de borrel is Engels.

Door wie?
Deze borrel wordt georganiseerd door de International Polyamory Meetup group. Wij organiseren regelmatig borrels in Amsterdam en Den Haag met voortaal Engels.

Wat gaat er gebeuren?
Er is geen georganiseerde discussie. Je praat met wie en over wat je wilt. Je kunt ervaringen uitwisselen, nieuwe mensen ontmoeten, een goed gesprek voeren of gewoon kletsen, alles is mogelijk.

Aanmelden en meer informatie
Wil jij meedoen, meld je dan aan door onze International Polyamory Meetup group.


***** In English *****

SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION!!!! This month’s International Polyamory Meetup is a special one – we’re celebrating 5 years of meetups and would love for you to join us for a relaxed social afternoon with like minded people! Help us celebrate by wearing something silver or gold.

Given during registration

For whom?
Whether you are new, experienced, or just curious, you are welcome to join! All poly and poly friendly folk are welcome, you don't have to be poly to attend. The primary language of this event is English.

By whom?
This event is organized by the International Polyamory Meetup group.  We organize this social meet-up held every month in both Amsterdam and The Hague.

What's going to happen?
We will have unstructured discussions on both Polyamory related topics and any other topics of choice. You talk to whom you want about what you want. Our goals are to meet new people, catch up with regular members, maintain a community, learn from each other's experiences, and support each other. Whether you are new, experienced, or just curious, you are welcome to join! All poly and poly friendly folk are welcome, you don't have to be poly to attend.

Sign up and learn more
Would you like to join us? Please sign up through our International Polyamory Meetup group.

zondag 18 februari 2024 14:00 tot zondag 18 februari 2024 18:00
Online event